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  • Press Release
  • ~2022

Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card officially appointed Suh, Joon-Hee as its new CEO. Date 2014.03.26

BC Card(CEO Suh, Joon-Hee/www.bccard.com) held the board of directors on the 25th and confirmed the candidate Suh, Joon-Hee as its new CEO. He started his first official schedule by coming to his office on the 26th, making a visit to all the departments without holding an inaugural ceremony, and greeting the employees.


After being appointed as the CEO of BC Card, he sent a message to all the employees instead of delivering an inaugural speech. He made it clear to set the 3 main policies for management that he will △ prioritize the values of stockholders, △ create the synergy effect with KT Corporation, and △ transform itself into the happiest companies to work for, etc. and sent a request that they should make BC Card one of the best enterprises altogether.


He said, “I am convinced of the possibility of BC Card to create the great prospect and will start a journey of unending challenges toward the topmost enterprise based on the credit of passion and dedication of all the staff”. He also clarified that he would expect to go happily together to the same destination by sincerely interacting with all of the employees and using all the knowledge and capabilities he had earned from 36 years of work experiences.


Furthermore, CEO Suh, Joon-Hee is a professional manager who has made successful achievements in many key positions from strategy and asset management and PB business to e-Biz, etc. while working as a CEO or executive in various renowned enterprises.


He is currently expected to be most suitable figure for restoring the damaged credit from customers caused by the information leak, suggesting the prospect for the new growth engine, and creating the synergy effect through partnership with the previous clients in the credit card industry, which is at the mature stage.


