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  • Press Release
  • ~2022

Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC, First in the card industry to be affiliated with UN Global Compact (UNGC) in Korea Date 2015.01.06

BC Card(CEO Suh, Joon-Hee, www.bccard.com) revealed on the 6th that the company is now affiliated with UNGC (UN Global Compact) for the first time in the card industry in Korea to play a role as a globally leading enterprise.


UN Global Compact(hereafter ‘UNGC’) is a specialized agency started in 2000. The purpose of this organization is to settle numerous problems arising from globalization by encouraging companies to fulfill their CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility).


BC Card has received the certificate of affiliation in the main office building, located at Seocho dong, in the morning of the 6th after becoming a member of UNGC for the first time in the credit industry in Korea, with Suh, Joon-Hee, CEO of BC Card, Yim, Hong-jae, Secretary General of UNGC Network Korea and other relevant personnel present.


By being a member of UNGC, BC Card plans to fulfill its responsibility and role more thoroughly as a global enterprise and to abide by 10 main principles of UNGC regarding △ Human Rights, △ Labour, △ Environment, and △ Anti-Corruption, etc.(For more details about '10 principles of UNGC', see the attached document)


In the event, Suh, Joon-Hee, CEO of BC Card, said that by being a member of UNGC, the company would re-confirm its willingness to fulfill sustainable management and CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility).

Also, as he expected, it would have an opportunity to reaffirm its stance that CSR will be fully taken as an enterprise aiming to become1st in the payment industry in Asia. As a part of effort, firm has launched a joint project of credit card processing in Indonesia in a bid to enhance Creative Economy.

He made it clear that the company would abide by 10 principles regarding ‘the protection of human rights, the respect for labor, environmental protection, and anti-corruption’.


Moreover, UNGC is a special agency with which more than 11 thousand enterprises and groups from 145 countries around the world have been affiliated. 227 companies and groups including Korea Telecom are members of UNGC.


