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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card joins hands with Daum Soft to expand ‘Data Business’ Date 2016.07.26

BC Card joins hands with Daum Soft to expand ‘Data Business’

  • Plans to use BC Card’s structured data and Daum Soft’s unstructured (social) data in data business
  • Partner in big data consulting projects targeting local governments, public institutions and private companies

BC Card (President and CEO, Joon Hee Suh, www.bccard.com) has announced on the 26th that it has signed an MOU with Daum Soft to begin partnership in ‘Data Business’

The MOU ceremony was held in BC Card headquarters on July 25th, attended by Mr. Jin Chul Kim, Head of Marketing Strategy Division, BC Card and Mr. Sung Hwan Song, President of Daum Soft.

BC Card has been providing big data analytic services to multiple national institutions and private companies applying its structured (card consumption) data. Through its alliance with Daum Soft who provides similar services using unstructured (social) big data, BC Card hopes to increase its competitiveness in the data business.

BC Card and Daum Soft expect to ▲ develop new data business models ▲ analyze consumer groups ▲ analyze impacts of specific events/issues ▲ research market trends and co-work in revenue-creating business providing data, big data consulting to local governments, public institutions and private companies.

Mr. Jin Chul Kim, Head of BC Card’s Marketing Strategy Division, stated, “Initiating data business using both card consumption data, a lagging indicator and social data, a leading indicator is meaningful in that BC Card can now utilize social data to discover more about a customer’s interests and preferences and provide better, diverse services.”
