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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card Holds Eco-friendly Culture and Arts Festival, <Everyday Earth Day Festival> Date 2017.10.23

BC Card Holds Eco-friendly Culture and Arts Festival, <Everyday Earth Day Festival>

  • Festival held at Sejong Center for the Performing Arts from Oct. 20th to 22nd to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection
  • Diverse programs such as concerts and environmental experience activities using the funds raised through the Paperless Project
  • Use of recyclable structures and bean oil ink and minimal use of disposables

BC Card announced on October 23rd that it hosted the <Everyday Earth Day Festival>, an eco-friendly culture and arts festival, jointly with the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI), CU, 7-Eleven, and the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts.

The <Everyday Earth Day Festival> was held as part of the Paperless Social Contribution Fund¹ Project, through which BC Card, CU and 7-Eleven raised funds by reducing the printing of paper receipts, at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts from October 20th to 22nd, with the aim of raising public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

The festival was comprised of ▲ a talk and music concert, ▲ handicraft and design experience programs, ▲ media art performances, ▲ the Green Design Exhibition and Market, and ▲ culture and arts programs such as plays and movie screenings, based on the theme of “Planting Trees and Saving Resources.” It served as an impetus for visitors at the festival to agree on the need to make joint efforts toward environmental protection.

For the eco-friendly festival, BC Card and Sejong Center for the Performing Arts made the banners and structures with reusable materials, in addition to using certified eco-friendly paper and bean oil ink. Also, a dishware and cutlery rental office was set up to minimize the use of disposable products, and free beverages were given out to visitors who brought their own water bottles.

Choi Seok-jin (Senior Vice President), the Head of the Communications Department at BC Card, said, “We held the <Everyday Earth Day Festival> to encourage people to practice environmental protection as though every day is Earth Day. […] We will remind people of the importance of environmental protection through this festival, with more fun and exciting content.”

¹Paperless Social Contribution Fund: An environmental fund established by BC Card, along with the Ministry of Environment, KEITI, BGF Retail (CU), and Korea Seven (7-Eleven), in 2012. At CU and 7-Eleven stores, 50% of the costs saved by reducing the amount of paper receipts printed when customers pay with BC cards are donated toward the fund for environmental protection projects. Using the fund, financial assistance has been provided for the afforestation project in the Kubuqi Desert in China since 2014.
