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  • ~2022

Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card Continues Its Support for Remote Village in Indonesia with KT DS Date 2017.11.02

BC Card Continues Its Support for Remote Village in Indonesia with KT DS

  • 25 executives and employees of BC Card and KT DS volunteer in Indonesia from Oct. 27th until Nov. 2nd
  • Lending a helping hand through diverse activities such as the construction of kindergarten facilities and a playground, supply of coffee trees, etc. since 2016
  • Plans to develop a model for promoting the self-sufficiency of the local economy by providing assistance from a long-term perspective

An announcement was made on November 2nd that BC Card and KT DS engaged in volunteer activities in a remote village in Indonesia.

Since 2016, BC Card has been implementing a project to promote the economic self-sufficiency of Candiyasan², a remote village in Indonesia, jointly with the Happiness Foundation, a social enterprise. This year, the KT Group Hope Sharing Foundation and KT DS took part in the project.

25 executives and employees of BC Card, KT DS and the Happiness Foundation participate in the Project on Supporting the Self-sufficiency of Remote Villages in Indonesia¹ that was conducted over the course of 7 days from October 27th to November 2nd.

While the volunteer activities carried out last year aimed at building the most basic production facilities for the village to start gaining economic self-sufficiency, the efforts made this year were geared toward complete economic self-sufficiency by promoting the education standards and emotional development opportunities for children through the ▲ construction of kindergarten facilities and ▲ a playground.

In addition to the 2,000 coffee trees that were supplied last year, around 13,000 coffee trees were additionally supplied this year, as part of the efforts to promote economic independence.

“It brings us great pleasure that BC Card can be of assistance in the project carried out to promote the development of remote villages in Indonesia,” said Choi, Seok Jin Executive Vice President, the Head of the Communications Department at BC Card, who also added, “We will spare no efforts to provide continuous assistance from a long-term perspective, instead of offering one-time support, so that economic self-sufficiency can be successfully attained.”

¹Project on Supporting the Self-sufficiency of Remote Villages in Indonesia: Remote villages with low economic self-sufficiency in Indonesia are selected through the Happiness Foundation, a social enterprise. Instead of merely providing aid or unilateral assistance, this project is aimed at helping villages achieve independence through a 4-stage support system (Preparation, Development, Maturity and Completion).
²Candiyasan: A remote village located in an alpine area on the island of Java in Indonesia. In 2017, an agreement was signed with the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia on a long-term use of state-owned forests covering 31ha in area for the coffee farming business.
