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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card paybooc adds ‘benefits’ in payment Date 2018.05.16

BC Card paybooc adds ‘benefits’ in payment

  • Renewal of paybooc app and website on the 17th…Travel, culture and golf services combined in one website that used to be provided in separate websites.
  • Enhances app convenience that people can look for travel, culture and golf related services just at their fingertips scrolling up, down, left and right without app log-in
  • Up to 15% discount on international flights, free golf course tickets, musical ticket discounts and free invitations at various events are offered in paybooc in commemoration of the renewal

BC Card (CEO and President Lee Mun-hwan, www.bccard.com) has renewed its simple payment platform, paybooc into a life culture platform and is offering various discounts and gift events.

BC Card will integrate the ▲ Domestic/International flight tickets · package tours inquiry and reservation service▲ Performance, culture, movie ticket reservation service ▲ Golf course ticket, equipment reservation and charged membership card service that used to be provided through separate websites¹ and customer center, and now provide them altogether through paybooc app and website (www.paybooc.co.kr) from the 17th.

In case of paybooc app, the UX/UI has been improved so that users can enjoy various benefits such as events and contents related to travel, culture and golf by using left, right, up, down scroll without logging in the first screen. Furthermore, the simple payment menu has been fixed at the bottom of the screen for convenient payment so that simple payments, such as QR scan and NFC, can be used at any time while using the app.

To commemorate this renewal, discount and gift events related to travel and golf will be offered until June 30th. First, up to 15% discount will be offered to customers purchasing international tickets through paybooc. In addition, 1 free weekday ticket to the driving range will be offered to the first 1,000 subscribers of paybooc.

Culture ticket events will be available as well. First of all, customers who apply through paybooc ‘culture’ category from the 23rd to June 10th will be eligible to win ▲ Invitation to the musical <Notre Dame de Paris> for 200 people (100 people selected, 2 tickets per person provided) ▲ Invitation to the play <A Dwarf who loved Snow White> for 20 people (10 people selected, 2 tickets per person provided). Moreover, 15 customers who have applied for ‘Loun.G’ membership through paybooc will be selected and receive two tickets of musical ‘Chicago’ per person.

Kim Jin Cheol, head of the Marketing Division (executive director) stated that “I hope that customers would be able to enjoy the benefits of BC card more conveniently through paybooc that has advanced into a life culture platform beyond simple payment”.

¹BC Tour(bctour.bccard.com - travel-related service), BC Lounge(loung.bccard.com - culture-related service), BC Golf(bcgolf.bccard.com - golf-related service) integrated into paybooc application and website (www.paybooc.co.kr)
