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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC card plants trees in Chinese desert to prevent yellow dust damage Date 2018.09.13

BC card plants trees in Chinese desert to prevent yellow dust damage

  • ‘54,000 trees’ plantation project is carried out in the Kubuchi Desert in Neimenggu, China, where the yellow dust originated.
  • Continues every year since 2014 with participating companies such as Korea Environmental Industry Technology Institute, BGF Retail, Korea Seven
  • Expects to improve Korea-China cooperation and friendship along with the effects of reducing yellow dust by preventing desertification

BC Card (CEO and President Lee Mun-hwan, www.bccard.com) announced on 13th that ‘2018 paperless tree planting’ was held in the Kubuchi deserts in China to plant 54,000 trees in Kubuchi Desert, the main source of yellow dust in China.

The Kubuchi Desert is the ninth largest desert in the world, and 40 percent of the yellow dust that occur here are known to affect Korea directly or indirectly. The desertification phenomenon has progressed due to land degradation due to drought and dryness.

BC Card has been planting forests in the Kubuchi Desert with the Korea Environmental Industry Technology Institute, BGF Retail, Korea Seven and Mirae Forest since 2014, and this year, 54,000 trees further planting. Over the past four years, a total of 180,000 trees have been planted in the Kubuchi Desert, with an average survival rate of over 70%.

Expenses related to afforestation were carried out with environmental funds raised through the ‘Paperless’ project. The Paperless is an environmentally friendly business that utilizes savings from non-output of paper receipts on credit cards for environmental protection as BC Card signed an agreement with the Environment Ministry in 2012.

BC Card expects the project to help promote Korea-China cooperation and friendship as well as reduce yellow dust by preventing desertification.

Choi Seog Jin, Executive Director (Communication Director) said, “The paperless is an environmental preservation business that must be practiced not only for the present generation, but also for future generations”, he also said, “In the future, BC Card will pursue various activities to spread its eco-friendly consumer culture.”
