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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title 'Cracking down' on credit card crimes! BC Card received a plaque of appreciation from the Commissioner of the National Police Agency Date 2018.10.26

'Cracking down' on credit card crimes! BC Card received a plaque of appreciation from the Commissioner of the National Police Agency

  • On the '73rd Day of Police', BC Card received a plaque of appreciation from the Commissioner of the National Police Agency in recognition of the meritorious efforts the company put in toward prevention of credit card crimes and the advancement of police administration works
  • First in the industry to deploy its own staff members to execute education on prevention and coping with credit card crimes, and also to put efforts toward preventing new types of crimes through the advancement of FDS

BC Card (Mun-whan Lee, President and CEO, www.bccard.com) announced on the 26th that the company received a plaque of appreciation from the Commissioner of the National Police Agency in recognition of the meritorious efforts the company put in toward prevention of credit card crimes and advancement of police administration works on the '73rd Day of Police'.

The plaque of appreciation from the Commissioner of the National Police Agency is an award given on the Day of Police each year to organizations or individuals who made contributions towards advancement of police administration. It was the second time BC Card was honored with this award since its first award in 2012.

Through this award, the meritorious efforts of BC Card in having made contributions towards ▲ education on credit card crimes and means of coping with them, ▲ production of manual for investigation of credit card crimes, ▲ participation in the on-line education contents of National Police Agency and ▲ prevention of new types of financial crimes through a close, cooperative relationship with the National Policy Agency thus far have been acknowledged.

In particular, the company was the first among the credit card companies in Korea to dispatch its own manpower to the Korean Police Investigation Academy and Police Human Resources Development Institute of Korea, etc. to provide education on key knowledge related to the investigation of credit card crimes for more than 1,000 investigators every year, and to produce manuals and on-line education contents for credit card crime investigation for application in the sites of crime usefully.

Moreover, the company is taking initiatives and leading the fortification of monitoring illegal use of credit cards both at home and abroad through advancement of the system for prevention of illegal use of credit cards (FDS), and through application of AI analysis technology and studying the latest trends in such illegal uses, etc.

Mr. Mun-whan Lee, the President of BC Card, stated that, "BC Card has been putting in the utmost efforts towards 100% in-house development of a system for prevention of illegal use and internalization of AI capabilities for the prevention of credit card crimes," and that, "we will continue to apply efforts to ensure that customers can use credit cards safely and conveniently through cooperation with the National Police Agency in the future."
