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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card planted trees in Mongolian desert to prevent fine dust Date 2019.05.27

BC Card planted trees in Mongolian desert to prevent fine dust

  • They completed the 2019 "Paperless Mongolia Tree Planting Event" from May 20-24.
  • They will plant 75,000 plants in Mongolia over the next three years...It also carries out a project to help residents stand on their own feet.
  • In order to reduce yellow dust and fine dust in Korea, they are expanding its existing Chinese afforestation business to Mongolia and making efforts to improve air quality.

BC Card is taking the lead in improving air quality in Korea by conducting afforestation projects in major overseas yellow dust and fine dust origin sites. In addition to the existing China, the country is making efforts to reduce yellow dust and fine dust in Korea by expanding its afforestation areas to Mongolia.

BC Card said it hosted the "2019 Paperless Tree Planting" event in Mongolia from May 20-24 with the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, BGF Retail, Korea Seven and Green Asia. About 100 people, including BC Card, executives and employees of participating companies, and local residents, participated in the event.

Mongolia is known for its desertification of its land and affecting the air quality in Korea. BC Card planted about 300 vitamin trees at the event and will plant a total of 75,000 trees over the next three years. The "Paperless Forest" created through this is expected to prevent the desertification of Mongolia and improve the air environment in Korea by reducing yellow dust and fine dust.

In addition, the government also carries out projects for the economic independence of local residents. The targets are nomadic people who are unable to make ends meet due to the loss of livestock due to desertification and climate change, and residents who do not have a regular job. They will be provided with the project of cultivating the saplings, or farming education, to help create income and settle down.

BC Card carried out the afforestation project with an environmental fund created through the 'Paperless' campaign. Paperless is an eco-friendly business that utilizes the savings in environmental protection by not printing paper receipts that occur when payment of a card under agreement between the Ministry of Environment and BC Card according to customer's choice.

"BC Card has planted a total of 230,000 trees in major yellow sand parks, including the China Kubuchi Desert, over the past five years," said Choi Seog Jin, an Executive Vice President of Communication Division in BC Card.

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