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  • ~2022

Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card sent a volunteer group to the CaiBiran region of the Philippines Date 2019.08.16

BC Card sent a volunteer group to the CaiBiran region of the Philippines

  • From August 11th to 16th, we did volunteer work in the Caibiran area of Biliran, including free school meals and improving the educational environment.
  • 17 of the finest volunteers in Red Food Car Volunteers have been dispatched. KT Group Hope Sharing Foundation and KFHI also participated
  • Since sending Red Food Car to assist in the recovery of damage caused by Typhoon Haiyan in 2014, the restaurant has been volunteering in the area every year

BC Card (CEO Lee Moon Hwan) sent 'Red Food Car Global Voluntees' to the Caibiran region of the Philippines to promote the health of local residents and improve educational conditions. Due to the geographical conditions, the development of the area is slow and the living conditions are poor.

The volunteer work, which lasted from July 11-16 local time, involved "Red Food Car Global Volunteers," consisting of 17 outstanding volunteers among 99 members of the ninth-term "Red Food Car Volunteers" as well as BC Card employees. KT Group Hope Sharing Foundation and Korea Food for Hungry International (KFHI) also joined the event to lend support.

Red Food Car Global Volunteers built an additional classroom at Manlabang Elementary School to help local students study in a better environment, and conducted a volunteer work to draw murals. It also conducted volunteer work to distribute "Red Food Car" to elementary school students and residents in the country, and took time to visit each family to deliver daily necessities.

Kim Joo Young, a ninth-term member of Red Food Car Volunteers, said, "It was a meaningful time to contribute to the community while working in the Philippines following 'Red Food Car Volunteers' domestic service," and added, "I hope it helped local students and residents a little."

Choi Seog Jin, an executive vice president of BC Card Communication Division said, "BC Card is continuing to fulfill its social responsibility through international development cooperation, including dispatching 'Red Food Car Global Volunteers' not only in Korea but also around the world affected by the disaster."

BC Card, meanwhile, first dispatched "Red Food Car" from the Philippines in January 2014 to areas hit by Typhoon Haiyan. Since then, the company has sent "Red Food Car" and "Global Volunteers" to disaster-hit areas or areas with poor conditions in the Philippines to conduct various volunteer activities such as school meals, building classrooms and medical checkups every year after year.
