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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card is the first credit card company to receive the 1st prize in the National Customer Satisfaction Index for 12 years in a row Date 2019.12.10

BC Card is the first credit card company to receive the 1st prize in the National Customer Satisfaction Index for 12 years in a row

  • In a survey conducted by the Korea Productivity Center in 1919, credit card companies ranked first in the credit card sector for the 12th consecutive years
  • Participate customer panel in all processes from service planning to release stage. More than 230 customers' ideas accumulated since 2008 have actually been reflected.
  • The paybooc app alone allows users to use both account opening and overseas stock investment as well as a simple payment service. Support convenient financial life with digital technology

BC Card (CEO Lee Moon-hwan) was selected as the No. 1 credit card company in the 2012 National Customer Satisfaction Index(NCSI)¹, which was organized by the Korea Productivity Headquarters, for the first 12 years in a row. BC Card directly participates customers in all phases ranging from service planning to launch, and leads customer satisfaction through digital technology and differentiated benefits.

First of all, BC Card has been participating in all processes ranging from service planning to launch and feedback through the "BC Navigator", a customer panel program, since 2008. From 2008, BC Card has reflected more than 230 ideas proposed by the customer panel in actual service and work.

BC Card is also investing heavily in digital technology and speeding up efforts to make payments easier for customers. Customers can use online and offline simple payment services such as QR code payment through the paybooc app, as well as open deposit accounts and CMA accounts, and invest 0.01 unit share of overseas stock.

In the future, BC Card plans to work with more financial institutions and fintech firms to provide various affiliate services to support customer's more convenient financial lifestyle.

Its '&BC' marketing platform, which provides differentiated benefits in many areas of life, is also increasing customer satisfaction. 'Red Day & BC'(special offers on Sunday and Holiday), 'Travel & BC'(special offers for international airline ticket), 'Global & BC'(pecial offers for overseas payment), 'Popular Restaurant & BC'(High-end restaurant reservation service and special offers), and 'Life & BC'(exceptional offers specialized in 2030 Generation). All are easily available through the paybooc app and its website.

In addition, BC Card contributes to customers' convenient consumption life through '#MyTag' service, which recommends customized benefits to customers based on their Big-Data technology skills, while supporting efficient marketing activities for small and medium-sized merchants.

¹National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI: National Customer Satisfaction Index): A measure of customer satisfaction jointly developed and published by the Korea Productivity Headquarters and the University of Michigan. A model that can evaluate and quantify products, services and satisfaction being sold to customers both domestically and abroad. It is used annually as a model for measuring customer satisfaction in 30 countries, including Korea and the United States
