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Title BC Card is the first credit card company to win first place in the “NCSI” for 13 years in a row Date 2020.12.08

BC Card is the first credit card company to win first place in the "NCSI" for 13 years in a row

  • The company became the first credit card company to win first place in the credit card sector at the "2020 National Customer Satisfaction (NCSI)" survey held by the Korea Productivity Center for 13 consecutive years.
  • Customer panels participate in whole processes from service planning to launch…More than 300 customer ideas have actually been reflected since 2008
  • Customers can start simple payments, open an account, and invest in overseas stocks with just one app "paybooc"...Digital technology supports customers' convenient financial life
  • Based on big data technology, the company is actively contributing to the spread of inclusive finance by launching a credit Bureau service exclusively for SMEs

BC Card (CEO Lee Dong-myun) was selected as the No. 1 credit card company for the first time for 13 consecutive years in a "2020 National Customer Satisfaction Index(NPCI)" survey organized by the Korea Productivity Headquarters. It explains that it directly participates customers from service planning to launch and actively supports customers' more convenient financial life through benefits differentiated from digital technology.

First of all, customers have been participating in all processes from various service planning to release and feedback through the customer panel system "BC Navigator" since 2008. Until this year, BC Card reflected the accumulated 300 ideas proposed by the customer panel in actual services and tasks.

BC Card is also focusing on digital technology, continuously upgrading its comprehensive financial platform called 'paybooc' and speeding up efforts to increase customer convenience in payment.

BC Card provides differentiated benefits as well as convenient financial services such as ▲ financial services (investment, insurance, etc.) ▲ travel (air ticket reservation) ▲ culture (performance reservation) ▲ restaurant (reservation and order) ▲ shopping.

In particular, paybooc has surpassed 10 million customers. Mobile payments through paybooc have also increased by an average of 10% annually over the past three years, achieving 6.5 trillion won in accumulated payments in the first half of this year alone, exceeding the monthly average of 1 trillion won.

BC Card is also evaluated to have contributed actively to popularizing mobile simple payments by firstly settling QR code payment service with "EMV", the international payment standard, on paybooc. The QR code payment is differentiated by providing both CPM (customer-presented) and MPM (merchant-presented) modes for the first time in the industry and sustaining benefits from BC credit and check cards issued by 37 client companies.

As a result of BC Card's analysis of the use of QR payments through paybooc, the number and amount of QR payments by 20s to 60s increased 63% and 203% respectively, year-on-year in the first half of this year. In particular, middle-aged people over 40s increased the usage of QR payments by 247%.

This is analyzed that while middle-aged people with consumption power actively use the latest payment methods due to the expansion of smartphones, paybooc's continuous efforts to improve the user convenience environment and expand QR payment franchises have contributed to resolving the fintech blind spot for middle-aged people.

In addition, BC Card has launched "Biz Credit," a new credit evaluation service that gives SMEs a more reasonable credit rating based on big data technology, and is taking the lead in inclusive finance. Biz Credit was prepared for SMEs that were subject to unreasonable conditions, such as relatively high interest rates or loans being rejected compared to office workers.

Based on the largest card payment and franchise data held by BC Card, Biz Credit provides ▲ Small Business Credit Assessment ▲ Shutdown and Temporary Closing Forecasting Service ▲ Alert Service ▲ Summary Sales Information Service.

"Based on the unwavering trust of customers, we could be the first card company that wins the top prize in National Customer Satisfaction Index for 13 years in a row," said Lee Dong-myun, CEO of BC Card. "We will continue to provide financial services for customers with innovative technology and differentiated benefits."
