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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title New CEO of BC Card held a live talk concert via SNS and shared a vision Date 2021.03.29

New CEO of BC Card held a live talk concert via SNS and shared a vision

  • Suggested a talk concert to communicate with executives and employees...Answered directly without any pre-question
  • "Future-invested companies will grow…BC Card will also actively invest to future."
  • "We will work together to move as actively as sharks and reveal ourselves to prove presence in financial market."

He chose change from the inauguration ceremony. He started his work via two-way inauguration ceremony in which he communicates directly with executives and employees without prior questions or scripts, not in the way most companies have been carrying out.

BC Card announced on the 29th that its new CEO Choi Won-seok held a "Talk Concert with new CEO Onestein¹" with executives and employees using social networks on the 26th and began his term.

Earlier, BC Card appointed him as its new CEO after a general meeting of shareholders and a board meeting on the 25th.

The inauguration ceremony as the talk concert was proposed by him personally. He had been willing to communicate with employees immediately in line with his philosophy of innovation, which calls for eliminating unnecessary processes and communicating immediately in order to change the way of work to "Simple" and "Easy".

In addition, as he has served as an outside director of BC Card for the past six years, he has a high understanding of the company, so he was able to share his vision and management policy immediately even after he took office.

The talk concert was held for about an hour and a half from 10 a.m. amid keen attention from employees. Instead of receiving pre-questions, he answered to every inquiry in real time through the video call.

From light topics such as what he wants to do when he go back 10 years ago and his favorite K-pop Idol stories, to sharp questions such as evaluation of BC cards viewed from the outside as outside directors, plans for future business growth and organizational culture were also answered.

"Only company investing in the future can become able to enhance corporate value through growth," CEO Choi said. "BC Card will also grow through active investment in the future."

"We need to actively respond to customer expectations by improving the way we work," he said. "The basic requirement for BC Card employees to work in the future should be Simple & Easy."

He further explained that providing 'Simple & Easy' financial products and services will help client caompanies who meet customers by themselves in the field beyond being recognized by customers.

CEO Choi said, "Just as sharks can survive only when they continue to swim, let's try to show our presence in the financial market by constantly moving actively."

¹ "Onestein" is a nickname of new CEO Choi, which refers to combination of two words "One(same pronunciation with Won)" and "Stein"("Seok" in Korean language means as a "gemstone", which also can be translated into German word "Stein").
