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Press Release

~2022 Contents
Title BC Card fosters national big-data talent with KT and University group Date 2021.10.22

BC Card fosters national big-data talent with KT and University group

  • Active support for practical training for human resources training through Financial Big-data Platform.
  • Platform advancement will be made so that financial data can be used in various fields.

BC Card (CEO Choi Won-seok) announced on the October 22 that it has signed an educational cooperation agreement with KT and the "Big Data InnovationSharing University Project Group" to foster talent for digital new technologies among big data sector.

The signing ceremony was held at the Industry-Academic Cooperation EXPO at the Suwon Convention Center later in the day, with Shin Soo-jung(Vice President of Korea Telecom), Byun Hyung-kyun(Head of BC Card AI Big Data Division), and Kim Hong-ki(Business Leader of Seoul National University).

The Digital New Technology Talent Training Project is a new Korean version of the New Deal that fosters 100,000 national-level key talents in eight key new technologies, including big-data, artificial intelligence, next-generation semiconductors, bio-health, realistic media, intelligent robots, and energy industries, from 2021 to 2026.

The big-data sector has been leaded by Seoul National University, and Gyeonggi Univiersity of Science and Technology(GTEC), Gyeongsang National University, University of Seoul, Sookmyung Women's University, Jeonbuk National University, and Handong Global University are participating from May this year.

Through the agreement, KT will provide cloud technology and BC Card will provide financial big-data that can be used immediately for students' practical education.

Accordingly, BC Card operates a Financial Big-data Platform that collects and utilizes various data through collaboration with more than 10 data companies.

Data generated by the platform are being used for data-based administration and municipal scientificization through private-public collaboration, and BC Card will actively strive to upgrade the platform so that financial data can be used in more diverse fields.

Byun Hyung-kyun, head of BC Card's AI Big Data Division, said, "BC Card will cooperate with digital talents to ensure global competitiveness in future industries and provide opportunities for high-quality education in the big-data field sufficiently under the paradigm of sharing and cooperation between universities."
