BC Card provides all types of card issuing service on behalf of member banks via managing integrated customer information management and implementing vertical structure for expanding new card issuance for various member banks.
BC Card offers Card Registration and Personalization outsourcing to the member banks through centralization and integration of issuing system in order to achieve economy of scale in terms of investment on infrastructure and operating cost.
Card issuing |Delivery
BC Card provides billing service to our member banks’ cardholders via utilizing collected transactional data and produce/deliver billing statements including integrated/customized marketing materials.
Billing |Additiona l Notice
Risk Management consists of assessing and preventing cardholder’s risk throughout their life cycle. From the moment a new cardholder applies for a card to the moment they actually use it to buy goods, a combination of rule and score-based models are used to detect potential frauds. These models are applied in screening new applications, grouping cardholders, managing their credit limit and preemptively handling counterfeit/fraud transactions.
Credit score provision |FDS operation
Our customer support center provides a consolidated system for member banks’ customer communication. Consolidated system itself is the key to a unified correspondence to cardholders’ inquiries and a cost-efficient, professional customer communication. The system may include the following service scope: general inquiries, reporting lost/stolen cards, concierge service, VIP support and international support.
Call Center|Outbound Calls Outsourcing |Internet Customer Support |Mobile Customer Support