

Effective from April 1st, 2009

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 (Corporate Member and Card User)

  1. ① Corporate Member (hereafter “Member”) refers to a corporate, an organization, an agency, and business which accepts the terms set forth here, applies for and is granted a BC card (hereafter “Card”)issued by ○○ Bank (hereafter “Bank”).
  2. ② User (hereafter “User”) refers to an executive and employee who is employed and authorized to use Card by Member.
  3. ③ Types of Cards that may be issued at the request of Member are Card with an unspecified authorized User (hereafter “Joint Card”), Card with a specified User (hereafter “Designated Card”), and Card with a specified User and for which both Member and User take joint liability (hereafter “Corporate Card for Individual Member”), provided that only designated Users are allowed to use Designated Card and Corporate Card for Individual Member.

Chapter II Responsibilities of Member and Several and Joint Guarantor

Article 2 (Liability of Member)

  1. ① Member shall take all liability for repayment and reconciliation of transactions incurred by User, provided that Member and User of Corporate Card for Individual Member (hereafter “Members”) share the liability concerning usage of Corporate Card for Individual Member.
  2. ② User shall surrender the Card to the Member when the employment is terminated.

Article 3 (Liability of Joint Surety)

  1. ① Bank may request Member to secure a joint surety that shall share the burden of Member’s liability.
  2. ② The joint surety shall be to share the liability for repayment and reconciliation of legitimate transactions incurred by Members.
  3. ③ The guarantee period of the joint surety shall be effective until the date of expiration of Card or determined in a separate set of agreement, and the liability of joint surety shall be limited to balance and interest for late payment incurred during the guarantee period.
  4. ④ The guarantee period shall be extended when the date of expiration of Card is extended due to reissuance or extension of membership.

Article 4 (Joint Surety’s Right of Termination, etc.)

  1. ① Member or the joint surety shall notify Bank of the following events without delay.
    1. 1. Sale, acquisition, merger, liquidation of Member, or other equivalent
    2. 2. Termination of joint surety’s employment, or other equivalent
    3. 3. Other events that may affect this agreement
  2. ② In the event when it is not deemed reasonable for the joint surety to continue to guarantee Member’s liability, due to significant changes in the circumstances that provided the ground for the contract of joint surety including the reasons specified in Paragraph 1, the joint surety may request Bank for replacement of the joint surety or termination of the contract of joint surety.
  3. ③ In the event when the joint surety requests Bank for replacement of the joint surety or termination of the contract of joint surety, Member shall immediately provide replacement of joint surety with equal or exceeding capability or offer collateral of higher value to ensure the extension of line of credit guaranteed by Bank without suspension.
  4. ④ In the event when Member violates any of the Terms and Conditions including the obligations to notify or secure collateral as provided in this Article, Bank may terminate the Terms and Conditions with prior written notice.

Chapter III Card Issuance and Management

Article 5 (Expiration Date and Re-Issuance of Card)

  1. ① The expiration date of Card shall be shown on the front of Card.
  2. ② Before the arrival of the expiration date, Bank shall issue a new Card with a new expiration date following confirmation of the eligibility of Member.
  3. ③ The Terms and Conditions shall be extended throughout the renewed expiration date.
  4. ④ Bank may seek consent from Member in the event when Corporate Card for Individual Member is renewed or replaced in accordance with Paragraph 2.

Article 6 (Issuance and Management of Card)

  1. ① Bank shall issue Joint Card, Designated Card, and Corporate Card for Individual Member at the request of Member, and shall determine the number of Cards to issue.
  2. ② Member shall record the name of Member as the authorized signature on the back of Card immediately upon accepting Joint Cad, and User shall be identified in the credit card receipt for each transaction. Custody and usage of Joint Card shall be strictly restricted to authorized User.
  3. User of Designated Card and Corporate Card for Individual Member shall sign on the provided space on the back of Card immediately upon accepting Card, and shall prohibit unauthorized User from accessing and using Card.
  4. ④ The ownership of Card shall be held by Bank. Member and User of Corporate Card for Individual Member are prohibited from lending or transferring Card or offering Card as collateral to an unauthorized party, and shall exercise fiduciary care including but not limited to safeguarding PIN in using and handling Card.
  5. ⑤ Card that is renewed, replaced, reissued, or expired cannot be used and shall be returned to Bank or destroyed to prevent usage.
  6. ⑥ All liability arising from violation of and/or negligence to implement Paragraph 2and/or 5 of this Article shall be borne by Member, provided that any liabilities arising from User of Corporate Card for Individual Member’s violation of and/or negligence to implement Paragraph 3 and/or 5 shall be jointly held by Member and User of Corporate Card for Individual Member.

Article 7 (Annual Membership Fee, etc.)

  1. ① Bank may charge Members an annual membership fee for each Card issued to Members at the time of issuance prior to transaction.
  2. ② The annual membership fee and issuance fee shall vary depending on the grade and type of Card issued to Members, provided that they are disclosed in advance
  3. ③ Bank may charge an additional annual fee in addition to the annual fee prescribed in Paragraph 1of this Article in the event when additional service is provided by Bank, BC Card and/or other institutions partnering with BC Card at the request of Members provided that the amount and exact nature of the fee are disclosed to Members in advance.

Article 8 (Suspension and Termination of Card Use)

  1. ① Bank may suspend the use of Card in the event that Members fall under one of the following events, provided that the suspension and its reason are notified to Members along with monthly account statement or other forms of communication.
    1. 1. Providing false information on the credit card application
    2. 2. Defaulting on loan payments or credit card payment owed to other financial institutions including banks and/or subsequent downgrading of credit rating
    3. 3. Violating applicable laws including but not limited to Specialized Credit Financial Business Act or this Agreement
    4. 4. Convicted of fraudulent use of Card including but not limited to using Card to make purchase transactions with a purpose of trading the goods for cash
    5. 5. Filing for composition with creditors, liquidation, insolvency, or bankruptcy protection or being registered to Credit Information Collection agencies with a record of delinquent payment or other equivalent material information
    6. 6. Being sentenced to (provisional) foreclosure, injunction, compulsory forfeiture for tax arrears, and transfer of asset or commencement of (arbitrary) auction or compulsory execution of assets
    7. 7. Filing for sale, relocation, temporary closure, or liquidation of business
    8. 8. Termination of employment of User of Designated Card or Corporate Card for Individual Member
    9. 9. When privacy of Members is breached as a result of illegal activities such as infiltration of system networks used by merchants, and potential for financial loss to Members arises
  2. Bank and/or BC Card may suspend the use of Card when they suspect fraudulent or irregular activity, provided that they have credible evidence.
  3. ③ In the events when Card is suspended for the reasons prescribed in Paragraph 1 of this Article and Members have requested to terminate the membership, Card shall be surrendered immediately and amount due in its entirety including transactions and fees shall be payable.
  4. ④ Bank may terminate the membership of Members who remain inactive for more than 1 year, provided that the decision is confirmed by Members in accordance to its policy. Members reserve the right to object the decision.

Chapter IV Use of Card

Article 9 (Use of Card)

  1. ① Use of Card to access cash advance and credit card loan is prohibited. However, Bank may authorize a limited number of Cards to access cash advance service abroad.
  2. ② In the event when Members intend to purchase goods or services with Card, they shall present Card to merchants of BC Card in Korea (hereafter “Domestic Merchants”) or merchants of foreign credit card companies in partnership with BC Card outside of Korea (hereafter “Overseas Merchants”), and sign the receipt as proof of purchase. This procedure may be dispensed for transactions that do not require physical proof of purchase such as electronic commerce, mail-order transactions, and telemarketing where merchants have alternative method of identification or liability for fraudulent usage is born by banks or merchants.
  3. ③ Members are prohibited from engaging in fraudulent use of Card including but not limited to using Card to make purchase transactions with a purpose of trading the goods for cash.
  4. ④ In the event when Members are issued a new Card for reasons such as renewal, addition, replacement, loss, or theft (collectively hereafter “Replacement, etc.”), the transactions that were being automatically approved under the previous Card shall be transferred to the new Card unless requested to be processed otherwise by Members.
  5. ⑤ Bank or BC Card may access the account numbers of Card before and after Replacement to facilitate processing of recurring transactions such as payment of insurance premium and phone bill that had been requested by Members unless explicitly prohibited to do so by Members.

Article 10 (Use of Card in Overseas)

  1. ① Use of Card outside of Korea or to pay for non-trade expenses shall comply with provisions of applicable laws including the Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulation.
  2. ② Complaints and liability for transactions incurred overseas by Members are subject to the policies of foreign credit card companies, which Bank shall provide to Members when necessary.

Article 11 (Line of Credit)

  1. Line of credit (hereafter including cash advance limit) for new application of membership shall be approved individually after assessing the request of Members as well as approval criteria of Bank.
  2. ② Bank shall reserve the right to adjust the line of credit before its expiration date after reflecting various factors such as credit rating and transaction volume when Card is replaced or renewed. Increasing the line of credit requires explicit approval of Members, unless the increase was requested by Members. Bank shall inform the Members prior to reducing the line of credit, unless the reduction was requested by Members. When the line of credit is reduced under one of the following circumstances or conditions prescribed in the Article 8.1.1 to 8.1.9 (excluding provisional foreclosure and injunction specified in Article 8.1.6), Bank shall immediately notify Members of the reduction without delay. When increasing or decreasing the line of credit to the amount specifically requested by Members or to previously approved amount, Bank shall issue a written notification.
    1. 1. Deteriorating credit rating provided by other financial institutions, or credit information collection agencies and government agencies
    2. 2. Increased potential for default as evidenced by decrease in income, termination of employment, change of employment, increase in debt, and failure to pay taxes and dues
  3. ③ Bank shall process without delay the request from Members to lower the line of credit.
  4. ④ When explicitly requested by Members to extend the line of credit under a special circumstance, Bank may grant a special approval after authenticating Members, the amount, and the merchant. To accommodate better customer service, Bank may automatically authorize extension of the line of credit up to pre-determined proportion of the existing line of credit, and all liability of Members shall be extended to the amount of transaction in excess of prior line of credit.

Article 12 (Installment Payment)

  1. ① Transaction incurred at Domestic Merchants granted by Bank to process installment payment can be made on an installment payment plan, provided that the amount of transaction exceeds KRW 50,000.
  2. ② The number of installments shall be determined by Members, within the maximum number of installments established by Bank, provided that Members shall reserve the right to retract and counterclaim for charges made under installment payment agreement with a minimum of three payments for the period of at least two months.
  3. ③ Members entering installment payment agreement shall be assessed with financing charges calculated based on cash value of the transaction during the period of the agreement.
  4. ④ The first installment payment may include the remaining balance of monthly installment.
  5. ⑤ Bank reserves the right to withhold financing charges when Members request refund of transaction after paying a minimum of two monthly payments on an installment payment agreement.

Article 13 (Right to Retract Installment Payment Agreement)

  1. ① Members may retract an installment plan agreement on the same day the agreement was entered or within 7 days from the date of receiving goods or services without receiving a copy of agreement,provided that Members shall not be allowed to exercise the right under any one of the following circumstances.
    1. 1. Goods including but not limited to automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines, or individually-packaged music CDs, videos, and software whose value diminishes significantly after usage
    2. 2. Services requiring professional labor and specific parts including but not limited to installing commercial freezers, air conditioning systems including those performing double duty as heaters, and heating system
    3. 3. Goods or services totaling less than KRW 200,000
    4. 4. Goods or services that are lost or damaged as a result of grave negligence of Members
    5. ② Members must issue a written statement clearly stating his request for retraction according to Paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 14 (Right to Counterclaim Installment Payment Agreement)

  1. ① Members reserve the right to refuse to pay remaining installment payments for goods and services worth more than KRW 200,000 for any ONE of the following reasons.
    1. 1. Installment payment agreement is invalidated, cancelled, or retracted.
    2. 2. The whole or a part of the good or service has not been delivered or provided by the time specified in the agreement.
    3. 3. The merchant fails to assume the liability for defective the good or service.
    4. 4. The merchant defaults on the agreement and is unable to deliver the objective of the agreement.
    5. 5. Disputes are deemed legitimate according to the Standards for Consumer Dispute Resolution as prescribed by the Ministry of Finance and Economy.
  2. The amount payable Members can refuse to pay is limited to amount due of the installment payment agreement.
  3. ③ Members shall try in good faith to resolve the disputes with the merchant before refusing to honor the installment payment agreement.

Article 15 (Cash Advance)

  1. ① Bank may approve limited types of Cards to allow Members to obtain cash advance outside of Korea from automatic teller machines of foreign institutions cooperating with Bank or BC Card (hereafter “Overseas ATMs”) by entering a pre-registered PIN.
  2. ② When obtaining cash advance using Overseas ATMs, Members must authenticate identity by entering the same PIN that is registered with Bank.
  3. ③ Bank shall determine and separately notify the cash advance limit and applicable financing charges.
  4. ④ Members shall be assessed with additional fees prescribed by relevant banks or institutions in addition to the fee prescribed in Paragraph 3 of this Article when obtaining cash advance through ATMs, phone, or internet.

Article 16 (Use of Overseas ATM

  1. ① Operating hours, limit per withdrawal, and number of consecutive withdrawals of Overseas ATMs shall be determined by relevant banks and institutions.
  2. ② Members shall assume the liability for loss or theft of PIN and all subsequent damage when using Overseas ATMs to make cash withdrawals and cash advances.

Article 17 (Reward Points and Other Services)

Bank may grant reward points to Members in proportion of Card activities at Merchants selected by Bank. Unclaimed reward points shall remain effective for a certain period prescribed by Bank even after Members terminate the membership, unless explicitly requested by Members to expunge all personal information.

Chapter V Settlement

Article 18 (Settlement)

  1. ① Members shall settle the balance of transactions along with applicable fees before the payment due date selected by Members using a pre-arranged method.
  2. ② When Card is used outside of Korea or used to pay to Overseas Merchants in foreign currency, the amount of transaction shall be first converted to USD according to the foreign currency rate used by international credit card companies such as Master and Visa before being converted to KRW and charged to Members using the Telegraphic Transfer Offer Rate announced by an international settlement agency of BC Card as of the date when the transaction record is received by Bank.
  3. ③ The amount charged in accordance with Paragraph 2 shall include overseas transaction fee imposed on Bank by international credit card companies such as Master and Visa and exchange service fee*.

    * Exchange service fee: a fee that is collected by banks from every foreign currency transaction as interest during the time the transaction is being processed

  4. ④ Failure to settle the account balance on the payment due date as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of this Article due to insufficient fund (including obligation acceleration in accordance with Article 20), late payment fee shall be imposed from the day after the due date until the balance is paid in full using the following formula.

    * Late Payment Fee= (Amount due- Interest included in the Amount due) X Late Payment Interest Rate X Number of Days in Arrears/365

  5. ⑤ Late Payment Interest Rate as prescribed in Paragraph 4 may vary, and Bank shall notify it monthly. When adjusted, the modified rate shall be applicable after the date of adjustment.
  6. ⑥ When transaction authorization number is missing or essential merchant information including business name, address, and date of transaction is missing or falsified on a transaction receipt, Members may decline to pay the amount payable, provided that Members notify Bank, in writing, within three business days from the date of transaction expressing intention to decline payment along with evidence.
  7. ⑦ Members may settle the amount due prior to the payment date.
  8. ⑧ In the event when Members repay the amount due before the payment date, Bank may impose redemption fee (excluding single-payment transaction) according to an agreement separate from this Terms and Conditions.

Article 19 (Automatic Transfer Payment)

  1. ① Bank may automatically withdraw the amount due from a financial account designated as automatic payment account by Members (a new account when the old account is closed following incidents such as loss or theft of a bank book) on the payment due date as prescribed in Article 18 without presenting a bank book or withdrawal slip.
  2. ② When the automatic payment account as designated according to Paragraph 1 has a line of credit for loan, payments can be made automatically within the credit limit in the order of priority approved by Bank.
  3. ③ When the automatic payment account does not have sufficient fund to settle the entire amount due as of the payment due date, Bank shall attempt to withdraw amount due on every business day following the payment due date or on collection dates prescribed by Bank according to the procedure prescribed in Paragraph 1 and 2 until the payment is received in full.
  4. ④ Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 to 3, fund deposited after business hours of Bank may not be immediately available for automatically payment.
  5. ⑤ When the payment due date mentioned in Article 18.1 falls on Saturdays or holidays, the payment shall be processed on the first business day of Bank following the payment due date.

Article 20 (Obligation Acceleration)

  1. ① The obligations of Members shall automatically and immediately become due and payable in any ONE of the followings, and in this case, Members shall repay the entire amount due without delay upon receiving the request for payment from Bank.
    1. 1. When Card is suspended (excluding temporary suspension and conditions prescribed in Articles 8 and 9) in accordance with Article 8; or 2. When Members fail to make installment payments for two consecutive installments and the amount due exceeds 1/10 of the total installment amount.
  2. ② When a notice of (provisional) seizure, injunction, compulsory forfeiture for tax arrears, or transfer of rights is issued or compulsory execution including (arbitrary) auction is initiated concerning any types of balance or collaterals offered to Bank, the obligations of Members to Bank shall automatically and immediately become due and payable despite absence of explicit notification or statement
  3. ③ In the event when Members are required to repay the amount due to Bank for reasons such as obligation acceleration and arrival of payment due date as mentioned in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Bank may obtain court order for suspension of payment for any cash balance and assets held by Members and clear the amount due through a written notification.

Chapter VI Liability of Members on Fraudulent Card Use

Article 21 (Disputes and Liability for Transaction)

  1. Members may claim, in writing, within 14 days of the payment due date for a dispute over the amount due (hereafter including cash advance).
  2. ② Upon receiving such claims, Bank shall try in good faith to investigate the claims by looking into issuance of Card, the date and nature of transaction, and User information and report the result to Members.
  3. ③ Members can file a petition to the FSS in objection to the investigation by Bank within 7 days of receiving an official report. Members also reserve the right to refuse to repay the amount due during the period of arbitration by the FSS, and Bank is prohibited from reporting the incident as late payment to credit reporting agencies.
  4. ④ When the FSS rules against Bank and holds it liable for fraudulent issuance or use, Members shall be exempt from paying the whole or a portion of the disputed amount. It is not so when Bank refuses to comply with the FSS ruling and files a civil suit to seek payment.
  5. ⑤ When the FSS rules against Members and holds it liable for the dispute, Bank may charge Members late payment fee calculated as of the original payment due date. The payment shall be deferred until the completion of litigation if Members file a suit against Bank in a civil court governing its jurisdiction.

Article 22 (Reporting Loss or Theft of Card and Reimbursement)

  1. ① In case when Card is lost or stolen, Members shall notify Bank or BC Card without delay by phone or in writing. Bank or BC Card shall provide Members with information confirming the receipt of the report including the name of staff receiving the report, case number, and time of report, and Members shall reconfirm the information.
  2. ② After following the procedure prescribed in Paragraph 1, Members can claim reimbursement for unauthorized use of Card in writing using the form provided by Bank and BC Card. Claim for reimbursement covers unauthorized activities occurred as far as 60 days before the report of missing or stolen Card was filed to Bank, excluding the circumstances listed in Article 3. Unauthorized use of Card dealing with transactions such as cash advance or electronic commerce that use PIN to authenticate authorized User shall be reimbursed according to Article 24. Each Card shall incur a fee up to KRW 20,000 charged by Bank as a fee to investigate the allegedly-fraudulent transactions.
  3. Notwithstanding Paragraph 2, Members shall take all liabilities for fraudulent use of Card caused by ONE of the following circumstances including transactions made after the report of loss or theft.
    1. 1. Malicious intent of Members to defraud Card
    2. 2. Failing to exercise due care including but not limited to failing to sign on the card, lending or transferring Card to unauthorized users, offering Card as collateral, or securing unauthorized loan.
    3. 3. Failing to report the loss or theft of Card on time without just cause
    4. 4. Engaging in illegal financial transaction disguising illegal loan as sale of goods or services
    5. 5. Refusing without just cause to cooperate with Bank or BC Card in investigating fraudulent use
    6. 6. Using Card to purchase goods only to trade the goods for cash
  4. ④ In the event when Bank investigation finds the report of lost or stolen Card as prescribed in Paragraphs 1 and 2 is intentionally falsified, Members shall be held liable for damage inflicted on Bank as well as the cost of investigation

Article 23(Liability for Forged or Counterfeit Card)

  1. ① Bank or BC Card shall be liable for fraudulent use committed with forged or counterfeit Card.
  2. ② Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, Members shall bear the entire or a part of the liabilities for fraudulent use resulted from any ONE of the following circumstances.
    1. 1.Failing to safeguard PIN intentionally or with gross negligence
    2. 2.Transferring or lending Card to unauthorized User or taking loans by offering Card as collateral

Article 24 (Liability for PIN)

Neither Bank nor BC Card shall be liable for any losses incurred to Members by theft or loss of Card and other unfortunate events, as long as it verifies the authenticity using PIN for transactions such as cash advance and electronic commerce that accept PIN as an evidence of authenticity. However, Members shall not be held liable for losses incurred when forced to disclose PIN at the threat of dire harm to self or family members.

Chapter VII Privacy Protection

Article 25 (Provision, Utilization, and Notification of Credit Information)

  1. ① Bank or BC Card shall exercise extreme caution in managing private information of Members acquired as a result of this Terms and Conditions in accordance with applicable laws, and may share the information with credit information collection agency, credit bureau, credit information provider/user, and affiliates, provided that the use of information is strictly restricted to purposes prescribed in applicable laws following termination of membership.
  2. ② In case when there’s a dispute over a transaction between merchants and Members, Bank or BC Card may provide the information of Members and merchant to both parties when requested.
  3. ③ When Members are subject to ONE of the following circumstances, Bank or BC Card may provide the information to credit information collection agencies or credit bureau, and the information may be used by the credit information collection agencies or financial institutions affiliated with credit bureau to assess business opportunity or credit of Members.
    1. 1. Failing to repay the amount due on the payment due date and resulting financial loss to Bank or BC Card
    2. 2. Convicted of violating the Specialized Financial Business Act or inflicting financial loss on a third party and disrupt the industry by engaging in fraudulent and abusive usage of Card
  4. ④ Members may request the credit information collection agencies to provide personal credit rating and demand correction when recognizing discrepancies, provided that the detailed method and procedure for requesting access and modification of credit information is in accordance with the regulations on Supervision of Credit Information Business.

Article 26 (Reporting Change of Information)

  1. ① Members shall notify Bank without delay of any changes to their credit status or personal information such as legal name, business license number, incorporation certification number, type of industry, permanent address, e-mail address, contact number (home, office, and cellular), name of employer, department, employment position, number for automatic payment account, or personnel in charge of corporate credit card, provided that it shall comply with the requirements provided by Bank in case of changing the bank account for automatic payment.
  2. ② Members shall be jointly liable for losses caused by failing to promptly receive important notifications issued by Bank or BC Card as a result of failing to report information change prescribed in Paragraph 1. In this case, notifications from Bank or BC Care are considered to take their legal effect regardless of their acceptance by Members.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Rules

  1. ① Bank, BC Card, or Members shall bear its own liabilities for losses incurred as a result of violation of the Terms and Conditions, and compensate for damage inflicted on the other party.
  2. ② Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, Members shall share the burden of liability with User of Corporate Card for Individual Member for any losses resulting from violation of the Terms of Conditions by User of Corporate Card for Individual Member.

Article 28 (Approval of Revision, etc.)

  1. ① When it is deemed necessary to revise the Terms and Conditions as prescribed in this Agreement, Bank or BC Card shall notify Members of the revision no later than 14 days before the scheduled effective date. The revision shall take its effect only when Members do not raise objection until the scheduled effective date.
  2. ② In case of adjusting rates, fees, payment modes, installment periods and frequencies, and grace period, Bank or BC Card shall simultaneously disclose the change on daily newspapers published nationwide or official websites, and bulletin boards located at the headquarter and branches of Bank and affiliates, in addition to the notification described in Paragraph 1.
  3. Any services offered to Members such as waiver of annual fee and reward points are subject to change, suspension, or discontinuation in accordance with sales policy of Bank or conditions of affiliates, provided that they are disclosed in advance

Article 29 (Matters Not Explicitly Defined in this Terms and Conditions)

Dealing with matters not explicitly defined in this Terms and Conditions and interpreting this Terms and Conditions shall be carried out in accordance with applicable laws or standard industry practices

Article 30 (Jurisdiction)

Litigation with regard to transactions prescribed in this Terms and Conditions with an exception of transactions falling under the category of Installment Payment Agreement shall be brought to a court which has a jurisdiction over the legal residence of Members, the headquarters or branches of Bank or BC Card.

Article 31 (Reservations)

Liability of joint surety who entered a contract of joint surety with Bank with regard to issuance of Card prior to the effective date set forth by this Terms and Conditions shall be governed by previously agreed-upon Terms and Conditions.

Article 32 (Language)

In the interpretation of this Terms and Conditions, preferentially Korean language Terms and Conditions shall be taken into consideration than translation into other language.